Findley Falcons are Peaceful, Prepared and Productive.
Our third garders are excitied to be watching and caring for baby chicks they watched hatch from eggs.
Our kindergartners watched and cared for butterflies as they grew from caterpillars.
Our kindergartners watched and cared for butterflies as they grew from caterpillars.
Our Second Graders went to Cuyahoga National Park and explored life in a pond.
Our second graders are learning how to use response fans to answer questions and expand their learning.
Our students are enjoying field day!
Students learning to use the scooters in gym class.
Our second graders went to Cuyahoga National Park and learned about animals, birds and insects that can be found in the woods.
Second Grade looking at animals and insects found in the pond.
Our second graders learned a lot about nature and how to take care of it. They are now Junior Rangers!!!
Our fourth and fifth graders love readiing to our younger students!
Our fourth and fifth grade scholars love to read with our kindergarten scholars.
As our scholars pareded for Halloween, several students helped keep the beat.
Congratualtions Findley CLC for achieving the Bronze Award for the implementation of school wide positive behavioral interventions and supports.
Happy Holidays from our intervention specialists!
Happy Holidays from Findley's First Grade Team.
Happy Holidays from "Heat Miser" (Intervention Specialist) and Snow Miser (Second Grade Teacher)
Our community fire department helping our families to have a nice holliday!
Our community fire department helping our families to have a nice holliday!
Mrs. Zajac (our art teacher) is teaching our parents a craft at January's parent meeting.
Mrs. Zajac (our art teacher) is teaching our parents a craft at January's parent meeting.